Friday 13 July 2018

"Missi Khooba Roti ( Pinched Flatbread Recipe ) Step photos

Hello Friends,
#~ As the name suggests....This missi roti is made of wheat and gram flour ( besan ).This is also called ,"namak wali moti roti", "Chu Chu ki roti" or "Nuchi hue roti".
#~ The speciality of this roti is that ...It is thick in texture but becomes crunchy and flaky when is cooked on the slow heat or flame.
#~ In the village...It is made with the help of water in place the help of parothan flour.And it is called. ... "Pani Wali Roti"
#~It is easy to make but tastes heavenly.
I remember very well, in my childhood,my mother used to make this roti with mix urad and chana dal and green chutney.
#~Whenever you want to eat something special and different but healthy ....You can try it.This is amazing bread, loaded  with pure butter or ghee in the forked pits of roti.
#~Ingredients For Missi Khooba Roti~
1. Wheat Flour.....150 gram
2. Gram flour......75 gram ( besan )
3. Ghee......2 tbsp
4.Salt....1 spoon or per taste
5. Asafoetida..1 pinch (optional
#~Method Of Making~
#~ First mix the both flour with salt and ghee well. Prepare a tight dough than the normal roti or parantha, with the help of water.
#~Knead it well and set aside for 20 minutes for rest.
#~ After that again knead it for a minute, just to make smooth balls.
#~ Now, on the flame and heat  the tawa on the medium flame.
Prepare a thick ball from the dough than the normal phulka roti ( double in size )
#~Round the ball with your palm and place it on the roller board ( chakla or counter ) and prepare the khooba  roti by gentle pressure of rolling pin ( belan )
#~ Place it on the tava on the medium flame to cook properly from the inner side.
#~ Just coming nice brown spots, flip the roti to the other side.
#~ Now mark this roti ,with the help of thumb and first finger or with the plucker....As comfortable.
#~ Now transfer the tava  ( griddle )on the other side,and cook the roti on the low flame.
So that it will be crispy from the outside and soft from the inner side.
#~ Now the missi roti is cooked.....Fill the all forked or pinched portions of roti with butter or ghee.
#~ Serve it with, "mix panch mali dal',  "chana - urad dal" or "bati dal" and "green chutney."
1. This roti is also made with wheat flour only.
2. You can also make it ..Some spicy dal filling as different.
3. This roti takes about  10 minutes to prepare. Cook it on the slow heat for perfect taste.
Thanku Friends,
If you like it, please share your comments with me.
Thanks again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I didn't hear about missi khooba roti. Thank you for sharing such easy missi roti recipe! I have found roomali roti recipe on PNT site. I will try both in lunch.
