Wednesday 11 July 2018

Semolina ( Rava | Suji ) Burfi...with Two Method

In the
Hello friends,
#~ Semolina is the coarse purified wheat middlings of durum wheat mainly used in making pasta and couscous.
#~There are various benefits of Semolina and Porridge.It helps Diabetics, helps in weight loss, provides energy and boosts body functions.
#~The word Semolina can also refer to sweet dessert made from Semolina and milk.
In this context.... Today's recipe is ..
.......... "Semolina Burfi"
#~This Burfi is of two types...
One is soft in texture, made of adding  milk.
Other is less soft and tight and crumbly...made of sugar syrup.But you can store it a long time.
#~~The speciality of this burfi is also that it is prepared with home ingredients and in very less time.
#~I will tell you both of the method with pics.
#~Amount per ...100 gram
#~Ingredients ForThe Burfi~~
1. Semolina~100 gram.
2. Milk~~~~|~300 ml.
3. Sugar~~~~150 gram
4. Butter~~~~50 gram or pure deshi ghee
5. Dry fruits~|~3 tbsp ( chopped )
6.Green Cardamon~6 ( Ilaichi powder ).
7. 2 Pinch of yellow food colour
8. Saffron~~12 or 15 strands
#~~~~Method of Soft Burfi~~~~
#~First heat a heavy bottomed pan or wok, add butter or ghee, after heating up the ghee, add semolina ......And roast it stirring with a spatula (palta ).
#~Roast it continuously upto 15 minutes on the medium low flame till a nice aroma...But without changing it's colour.
The whole taste of the burfi depends upon its roasting well patiently.
#~Add half dry fruits in the roasted semolina ...When it is more than half is done,so that chopped almonds could also roast with semolina.
#~Now add milk ,stirring it continuously fastly, preventing the lumps.Just add sugar and colour with saffron, without delaying, for a fine dough of burfi.
#~Stir it continuously upto a solidifying consistency of dough.
#~Transfer it in a greased plate.Plain the surface with a greased spoon or bowl to avoid burning the hand.
#~After coming on the room temperature,transfer it in the refrigerator for better solid consistency.Cut it as desired.and enjoy it.
#~Method For The Second Dry Burfi..
#~Ingredients For the second...Stiff And Storable Burfi....Are the same...Except milk.
#~In place of milk ,use water in "equal ratio of sugar."
#~As you start roasting sujji, place a pan on the other side of flame by adding sugar and water for making sugar syrup.Add saffron and colour in it.
#~Prepare the sugar syrup ( chashni ) of one strand ( ek taar ).It should be just sticky by touching hand. Don't overcook.
#~After roasting semolina |  sujji or rava ..Very well as the previous soft burfi, Add the sugar syrup, dry fruits and stir it fastly taking together all the mixture.
#~It comes on the solidifying stage early than the "semolina soft Burfi"due to the sugar syrup and less moisture.
#~At the solidifying  stage of burfi dough,
Just transfer it in a greased plate.
After cooling some time..Cut it and enjoy it.No need of transferring in the refrigerator.
1.Both semolina burfi are super tasty and healthy.The difference is...One is soft made of milk and can  not store more  than one week in the refrigerator.
And second burfi,made of sugar syrup can be stored long time upto one month outside on the room temperature.
2. Remember that "soft semolina burfi" needs milk 300 ml in 150 gram sugar.
And second semolina burfi needs equal ratio...150 ml.water+150 gram sugar.
Thanku Friends...I tried my best in articulating the recipe.
If you like it....Please share and try it.
Thanks again.

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